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Alexander the Greatest

Alexander the Greatest

No Nudity


Early 1970’s UK sitcoms weren’t always very funny. More often than not they were the “oo-er Vicar, would you like to see my pussy” style affairs that only grandmothers thought were funny, while the teenagers ditched the telly altogether, went out, listened to Bowie, smoked weed and had illegitimate children. And so it was that when a sitcom went into a second season, paying the original folks enough to get them back for a second spell wasn’t always an option. Alexander The Greatest, the story of young Jewish schoolboy Alexander Green (Gary Warren) who was desperate to escape the confines of his suburban home life by creating all kinds of adventures, is one of those series where about half the cast were replaced for season two. It’s not like the grandmother’s would have noticed, eh? One of the few ever-presents wasAdrienne Posta, playing Alexander’s older sister Renata. Her career wasn’t exactly explosive but the nude scene she did in 1977’s Adventures of a Private Eye sure was!