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Carlie Guevara

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If you looked up foxy Latinas in the dictionary, there should be a picture of this picante princess, Carlie Guevera! With her plump and lusciously smooch-able lips and big brown doe eyes, she's going to break onto the scene in a big way sooner rather than later. Carlie is pretty much brand spanking new into the world of cinema though, taking on the lead role of Tina in the indie flick The Garden Left Behind (2019). The story follows a young trans Latina woman (Carlie Guevera) from Mexico facing some REAL struggles throughout their life, both accepting their changing sexual identity, the physical transition and how that affects the people around them, and other issues such as violence towards them and even immigration. Carlie is bound to be a breakout star in the making because she embodies that role so fiercely that the movie took home an audience award at SXSW last year and has become a bit of an indie darling flick around the festival circuits of the world. Hopefully you are witnessing not just a star in the making, but also a certified sex symbol because when you see Carlie get down to her undies in that indie flick, you're going to be Googling not just her name, but also "googling" yourself at least once or twice! Maybe it's just something about Hispanic hotties in black framed glasses with big juicy lips, but she certainly has our attention and we'll keep you all up to date on any future projects that Ms. Carlie keeps starring in! Yowza!