Swimsuit model, Project Runway host, Victoria's Secret Angel . . . supermodel Heidi Klum wears many hats. Though we prefer it when she wears little more than a hat.

Though Heidi's accidently popped a nip or two in past Sports Illustrated Swimsuit vids, she has yet to peel completely for the camera. Fully naked Heidi Klum is a luxury she keeps for her husband Seal . . . and their three children?

According to Female First, Heidi says:

"To see me in [VS] wings is nothing too unusual. People are pretty open with their bodies in Germany and the children see you naked or in lingerie all the time so it's not a big deal for us. We don't hide inside a room somewhere and change - it's all very out in the open."

That's great, Heidi. Really great. Now how about opening your dress and putting it all in the open for the rest of us, huh?