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Lady Voyeur

Lady Voyeur (2023)

Hall of Fame Nudity!


Brazilian babe Débora Nascimento is Miranda, a lonely hacker who helps companies pinpoint their technical vunerabilities and beef up cybersecurity. Her favorite pastime is to use her computer and camera to secretly watch her sex worker neighbor and casual friend Cléo (Emanuelle Araújo) entertain her clients. Cléo asks Miranda to dogsit at her apartment and Miranda uses this as an opportunity to live vicariously through her by dressing up in her clothes and having sex with one of her hot regulars, Fernando (Nikolas Antunes) when he shows up unexpectedly. Their encounter triggers a series of events involving the two, Cléo, another of her wealthy clients (who happens to be connected to Fernando), sex trafficking, and death. The series biggest claim to fame may be the number of nude debuts it contains, including Débora, Emanuelle, Gabriele Moreyra, Renata Guida, Tóia Ferraz, Mariana Ruggerio, and Ingrid Klug. Whoa, that’s a lotta sexy skin to take in!