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Michelle Carpente

Michelle Carpente Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brunette Hair, Small Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , IT


A young gun on the Italian movie and TV scene, Michelle Carpente has made a name for herself as an actress and TV presenter. She studied both cultural linguistic mediation and drama while in college and got her first theatre gig in 2004. A couple of years later she was in her first feature film, playing the role of Diletta in Sorry, If I Love You (2008). It wasn’t long before we finally got to see her show some skin. When she acted in the sequel to her 2008 film, Scusa ma ti voglio sposare (2010), or Sorry, I Want to Marry You, we get a brief flash of her boobs while she’s having some bedtime fun with her mate. Since then Michelle has gone on to host the TV show Cloud in 2012 and appeared on a few other TV series, like Last Monkey and Anti-Drug Squad.