Without a doubt, Lindsay Lohan's naked Marilyn Monroe homage pics have been the single greatest non-movie nudity so far in 2008. I thought for sure that she wouldn't be able to outdo herself--not so soon, anyway--but it turns out that she liked showing off those Lohooters so much that she's going to do it again--on film! I read this bit today in Star:

Star Magazine has learned exclusively that the 21-year-old will get naked again to play a nymphomaniac waitress in the indie film Florence. And she's getting paid only $75,000 for her part - just 1 percent of the whopping $7.5 million she earned for Just My Luck! "Lindsay doesn't care that she's getting paid peanuts," an insider tells Star "She just wants to remind people that she can act and she's worth hiring." The role requires her to take off only her top for a lusty sex scene, but the source says Lindsay volunteered to do more. "She said it would be no problem to go Full Monty."

Dear person directing Florence: listen to your star. I'm sure that your movie will be perfectly lovely on its own, but full frontal nudity from Lindsay Lohan is absolutely intrinsic to your plot. Trust me. I'm Mr. Skin. I know these things.

Sounds like we have a forerunner for an upcoming Breast Picture Anatomy Award!