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Throb (2014)

No Nudity


Throb (2014) is a short film about a woman (Kristen Corona) dealing with a crippling mental illness that threatens to unravel everyone and everything around her. She deals with this adversity by trying to connect to men through her sexuality, but her fun is short lived once the men realize that she's a raving maniac. Can she keep her illness in check long enough to land a stable man, or at least sleep with one? Kristen Corona's screen debut is pretty electrifying stuff! Very sexy, though she does keep mostly covered up, which is a bit of a letdown all things considered! We do get to see her parade around in some skimpy undies and swimsuits that show off lots of cleavage, but she never goes any further than that. We have a sneaking suspicion that this flick will still make you meat thermometer throb!