Don’t Be a Boob! Rosanna Arquette’s Boobs (and Butt and Bush) Cut from the New “Director’s Cut” DVD Release of The Executioner’s Song!

The Executioner’s Song is a gland-mark made-for-TV movie adapted from the journalistic book by Norman Mailer. It stars Tommy Lee Jones as condemned killer Gary Gilmore and Rosanna Arquette as his faithful squeeze.

A skin-portant milestone in home video “bonus footage,” The Executioner’s Song hit VHS in 1983 with stunning scenes of Rosanna in the raw. But now a new DVD release of the film contains NO NUDITY WHATSOEVER!

Mr. Skin is, almost always, a happy-go-lucky fella. But this really burns the biscuits! Press play for a T&A-tastic taste of exactly what you won’t get in the skinless new abomination of one of the all-time celebrity flesh classics!